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​Method (8 tools)

Miyazono Kidou has eight tools centered on Qigong, and promotes the path of physical and mental health and human growth in an integrated manner.

  1. Facial expression: Make good emotions with a smile

  2. Posture: A good posture will improve your physical and mental health and give you a "overhead view and concentration".

  3. Bending and stretching: Effective stretching relaxes muscles and enables deep breathing

  4. Breathing: Aligns the autonomic nerves and makes the mind and body healthy

  5. Tips: "Now, here, bright, fun, grateful, help each other, and feel good."

  6. Qigong: Main axis. Activates and enhances vitality (purification, resilience, immunity) and creates an autonomous healthy body

  7. Kotodama : Japan utilizes the spiritual power of words, "Kotodama no Sakiwakuni"

  8. Meditation: Introducing "Zubora Meditation", a method that even people who are crazy can practice and enjoy every day.

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